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View Full Version : Is This Normal Behaviour

Fri Oct 14, 2005, 10:46 AM
Every now and then I see one of my Discus - glide up to a plant leaf and scrape itself along the side of it real quickly... Not all the time and different fish do it every now and then. There are no signs of external problems on the fish, although I guess that is why I am worried as I have read that fish do this when there is something wrong. I am wondering if they also do it every now and then cause it feels nice or something......kinda like someone scratching your back...!!! Anyone have any ideas if this is normal behaviour or a sign there is something more fishy going on...??!!


Fri Oct 14, 2005, 01:43 PM
Pete, I have been wondering this too!!! My discus are the same sometimes they do the exact same thing.. It isnt all the time and they dont show any other signs of anything. ie. they dont clamp their fins or breathe through one gill at a time and they eat like pigs and seem very happy so I think that it must just be something they do from time to time. Maybe someone will correct us if we're wrong hey? :)

Fri Oct 14, 2005, 02:02 PM
Dont stress about this....

but it is something to keep an eye on...

keep up the water changes and should all be ok,


Sat Oct 15, 2005, 07:56 AM
itch scratch irritation - the possibility is there.

do those w/c like ben said

and check your parameters!