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View Full Version : Size of breeding tanks?

electric molecular
Sun Oct 02, 2005, 10:33 PM
Hey all,

I am quite keen to try my hand at breeding discus, as I'm fairly certain that I do have a pair (so exciting, I'm waiting for them to spawn again), therefore I am contemplating buying another tank. I was just wondering what is a good size tank to get for breeding purposes?



Sun Oct 02, 2005, 11:19 PM
I would say 2-3ft tank would be best for breeding

Good luck

electric molecular
Sun Oct 02, 2005, 11:35 PM
Sorry, what would that be in litres?

Mon Oct 03, 2005, 12:43 AM
Most tanks still seem to be sold in the old imperial measurements, so a standard 2 ft 6 inch tank is about right for a breeding tank. This would hold around 80 to 100 litres.

People have used all sorts of tanks for breeding. One of my favourites is an 18 inch cube tank, but anything from 2 to 3 feet will work well. Some even use a 4 foot tank, although I must say I prefer to use a smaller tank as it's easier for the fry to find their parents, and then they don't get lost quite as easily.

Naturally you need a fully cycled filter in your tank, and a sponge filter is ideal. You'll need to do daily water changes on a tank that size, especially while you have fry in there.

Mon Oct 03, 2005, 06:49 AM
HI Claire,

just a tip,

in the event that they stop displaying signs of courtship in there new home dont be too worried about it. ( as long as they are healthy and eat )

it may take weeks even a month or so before they feel secure enough to give it a crack!

best of luck

electric molecular
Mon Oct 03, 2005, 07:24 AM
Hey Nick,

Thanks for the tip. I appreciate that true love can't be rushed!! But they still are acting like a couple of newlyweds, so I take that as a good sign (I just wish they would do something, the suspense is killing me!). They are constantly going over to the site where they first laid eggs, and they keep pecking and looking at it, and waving their fins at each other. Maybe the other juvie discus are too much of a worry for them. The lovers are constantly chasing the others out of their territory. Do you think for this reason they'd be better off in a tank of their own? Is it even possible for discus to bring their fry up in a community tank?



Mon Oct 03, 2005, 07:50 AM
I have heard that it is very rare for fry to survive long in the community tank....moving the parents to another tank will make them breed more often coz they dont have to defend thier territory from other fish....


Sam..... :D