View Full Version : PH levels

Thu Sep 29, 2005, 03:10 PM
My tank has been set up for just over 2 month now. What I need to know is the PH is been sitting at 6.0 constantly.
Is this ok or should I try and raise it abit.The fish seem healthy and in good condition.
If I do have to increase it how would you suggest in doing it naturally, or will I have to use chemicals !!!

Cheers Paul

Thu Sep 29, 2005, 03:27 PM
Hi Paul. When you say that your tank constantly sits on a pH of 6, is that both before and after a waterchange?

That pH is a little low, something around 6.6 or 6.8 is probably a little easier to maintain. The problem with a pH of 6 is that, if your water is very soft, the danger of a pH crash is very real.

I'd be interested to know the parameters of your water straight out of the tap, and after it has been in your tank for a day or two. Also, are you using RO water or any kind of peat granules in your tank.

If your fish are happy and healthy, it doesn't appear to be too much of a problem.

Thu Sep 29, 2005, 03:58 PM
Ph always sits at 6-0..even after water change
Not sure about parameters straight from tank but they are all fine when in the tank after a day..
Nitrate 0.5
nitrite o
Ammonia 0
no peat granules in my tank !!!

Ive took this form another webpage

Discus are very particular about pH. Keep your pH below 7 and above 5.5. The ideal pH for discus is 6. At pH levels above 7, discus are stressed. Below 5.5, the pH is inclined to plunge rapidly, so I find 6 to be comfortable for both the fish and the fishkeeper. Alkalinity and pH are closely related. Hard water naturally tends to be alkaline.

Accoring to this my PH level is perfect !!!!!