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Sun Aug 28, 2005, 08:30 AM
they seem to be able to inhabit the same water perameters
an are pretty shy and also with the ghostknife does the electrical current disturb the discus

Sun Jan 01, 2006, 06:01 AM
Good question. I was hoping to add an elephant nose to my discus tank. Any experience with this anyone?

Sun Jan 01, 2006, 08:07 AM
elephant noses make great companions and are great in discus water :D

electric molecular
Sun Jan 01, 2006, 08:56 AM

I can't speak from personal experience, but I have heard that elephant noses can be kinda territorial and and don't do well with their own kind. But then other people will tell you that they are passive and probably only territorial when first introductions to other fish are being made.. So they might do ok singularly in a discus tank, as they do like the same water params (soft, neutral). Like ghostknifes they generate weak electric impulses, kind of like navigation or radar to find food, but I don't think this would disturb other community fish. :?: I think quite a few people on the forum keep black ghost knifefish with their discus with no probs, as long as they have some dark hiding places to retreat to. Speaking of the two fish though, I would think it might be risky to have elephantnoses and ghost knifefish together as you might end up with elephantnoses stripped to their skeletons?!!


Tue Mar 28, 2006, 07:38 AM
BGK doing very well in my discus tank. He has been in there for a long time and has caused no problems.

He has gone from a 3"fish to a nice plump 9" and is still growing strong, he sits under the internal filter in my Juwel and comes out and feeds happily alongside the discus.

Fri Mar 31, 2006, 04:22 AM
My elephant nose even comes out and feeds while the lights are on now, so it makes feeding time a little easier, just feed whenever, dont have to wait till the nigthlights come on and feed then.

its great!