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View Full Version : Not discus but need help with worms

Fri Aug 26, 2005, 12:36 PM
Not sure what they are or if they are dangerous i just dont want them in there an how do i get rid of them? There about .5 to 2 mm long an are motoring around the glass quit rapidly therse probaly a few hundered on the glass. there in with my oscars an sailfin.
Plus my oscar has been a bit sickly i think over the last week he was just sittn on the bottom with a long white string of poo hangn of him the sailfin an the other o are still fine and the sick o has made a great come back and is getting better by the day.M tank is 120 gallon with a 1000l/h xternal-cannister,1200l/h xternal-cannister plus i added a small fluid bed filter today.The water is 16.2c no amonia or nitrites an 10ppm nitrates
(Oscar died last night)

Fri Aug 26, 2005, 01:59 PM
16.2c ? oscar is not goldfish you know :p
fix your temp before you are trying anything else.. otherwise is pointless

Fri Aug 26, 2005, 02:03 PM
Cody, I'm so sorry to hear your Oscar died. How many fish have you got in that tank?

Is it the one that was looking sick that died.

And can you please check the temperature of your water again. Is it really 16 degrees, or is it 26 degrees. Can you tell me the pH there.

Those little worms are nothing serious. They are called planaria and seem to come in the water. You have a big increase in their numbers because of the excess food in the tank. More frequent water changes and gravel vacuum with help to bring their numbers under control.

Fri Aug 26, 2005, 10:21 PM
Plus my oscar has been a bit sickly i think over the last week he was just sittn on the bottom with a long white string of poo hangn of him the sailfin an the other o are still fine and the sick o has made a great come back and is getting better by the day.

LR, i dont think a oscar has died..by the sounds of his post it is getting better :) ...though the post was a bit hard too understand :?

Sun Aug 28, 2005, 08:06 AM
Sorry about that but one of my o's did kick the bucket an the temp is 25.6c and my ph is 7
Now i have 3 Oscars and and a sailfin plec
I got two new tigers
Thanks for the info on the worms they were kinda freakn me out!

Sun Aug 28, 2005, 08:07 AM

I found this on those worms if any one else is interested
Thanks again for the help!!
Still dont know what was wrong with my oscar think it may have been internal

Sun Aug 28, 2005, 08:12 AM
dreamer me mum neva droped me on my head that hard
I think i got a lot of food stuck in my gravel using freeze dried tubifex worm blocks the o,s would rip them apart an spread them everywhere but now im using flake food everythings a bit eaisier to keep clean