View Full Version : reassurance needed

Fri Aug 26, 2005, 11:56 AM
Hi guys, My discus that I have had since early july are doing well, but I notice that my blue diamond seems to hide more than he used to. he is very healthy looking, nice orange/red eyes and clear colour but he doesn't seem to be coming out as much as he was and he seems to be eating less. he still eats but not a voraciously as before. He doesn't seem to be being bullied anymore than the others and he's not the smallest. Should I be worrying or should I just watch and wait for a little while to see if it is just a phase. (when i say bullied i mean that the largest one chases him sometimes and he himself has a go at the pigeonblood which is only slightly larger than him in size. they go head to head sometimes. I think they may still be trying to organise heirachy. would introducing another one or two discus of around the same size help or just make things worse. I currently have 4 in a four foot tank with one angel, one loach and 14 cardinals, 5 black widows and 3 rummy nose tetras. (man this is an essay!!! :oops: )

Bad Inferno
Fri Aug 26, 2005, 12:31 PM
I had a discus sulking for what seemed to be 4-6 weeks never could see him eat however he has finally came around and now rushes up to the front of the tank at feeding time.

Fri Aug 26, 2005, 12:53 PM
personally i would put in as many discus that can fit happily in the tank. i would add another 3 or 4 over about 3 weeks if possible.


Fri Aug 26, 2005, 02:48 PM
Sammi, it all sounds perfectly normal to me. You could easily add another two fish to that tank, and it will help to keep things moving, so that one fish does not become the only one bullied.

Sun Aug 28, 2005, 08:29 AM
Yep i agree

throw another 2 discu into that tank

Mon Aug 29, 2005, 11:33 AM
thanks guys. Might just do that. He came out for a swim around last night and today. so he does come out. he just sulks abit as well.