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View Full Version : HELP!! fish freaking!!

Fri May 07, 2004, 09:46 PM
hi folks -

i'm sure it's not enough to warrant "emergency room" status, but i'm pretty concerned -

the last two days my fish have been freaking in the mornings when i turn on their light - i'm talking rocketing from one end of the tank to another, some suicide attempts at leaping out of the tank, all much darker than before, and paradoxically still jumping out to eat whenever i feed them...

i don't know what they are like during the day, obviously, but when i come home they are still skulking around in the greenery as opposed to the fan-club greeting that i am used to recieving.

nothing has changed - water parameters are fine, diet the same, i turn on the loungeroom light first, ten minutes later the first bars of the tank, 30 min later the second bars...

any ideas? i've never seen the bubs (all nine - not a calm one in the bunch) so freaked, and it seems to be lead by the blue diamonds - they are jumping as i type, while the others are sort of huddled in the middle of the tank - any advice or ideas gratefully appreciated.


Fri May 07, 2004, 10:07 PM
just a thought -

there was some talk on here about the pros and cons of colourbits... i feed it twice a day - could that be the culprit? otherwise i feed frozen discus dinner, beefheart and hikari bloodworms...


Mon May 10, 2004, 08:12 AM
I've got exactly the same problem.

It started about a six weeks ago.

Beforehand, my discus would take cover while I did a water change, then return to the foreground within half hour.

After a water change six weeks ago, they've been so freaked it's not funny. They are still eating, I can't see any obvious signs of illness and they seem quite happy as long as no one is in the room.

My water all seemed to test fine except for Phosphate. I have a ton of it in my tank and whatever I do I can't seem to get rid of it. I've tried daily water changes, two bottles of Phosvac, and reducing feed. There is a trace of Phosphate in Sydney water, so I've just invested in a RO filter and will soon be buying a C02/PH controller (I'm hoping that getting my plants thriving may get my problem under control).

Maybe you should test your tank for the same.

Another ADA member has sugested another treatment solution, which I will receive soon and let you know how I go.

Incidently, I have a 500 litre planted tank with a marine filter.

Tue May 11, 2004, 09:13 PM
i didn't realise phosphate could affect them - i've never even tested for it! i'll get a kit and see - but are there any other thoughts on what makes them so jumpy? is this more fish psychology 101??

thanks kite for your info, and love to hear any other thoughts. :D


Sun Jul 11, 2004, 01:58 PM
you may have a heater or something sending a small electrical current through the watre or something????? i have heard of this happening with some people.

otherwise shadows on the tank will freak them out....

any kids or cats or dogs may freak them out

is something leaning on the tank that would be sending a vibration thoughthe tank?

and maybe clean all filters and do some huge w/c to try and improve water quality
