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View Full Version : my discus are scared of the light

Sun Aug 14, 2005, 09:53 AM
I have a 5 foot tank with two 150w metal halide globes and 3 fluros. My problem is the discus that i recently bought are always hiding when the lights are on. Well actually the small ones (2 inch) are fine, they dont really mind the light. Its the larger ones (4 inch) that are always hiding amongst the plants and driftwood when the lights come on. Other than that they seem to be healthy and eating well (but only when at least one of the metal halide lights are off). Also when they are hiding they turn dark and camoflage amongst the driftwood which is really bothering me cause they are really quite beautiful when they do show off their color. Can anybody help me out. Oh yeah i have had these fish for about two days now.

Sun Aug 14, 2005, 10:32 AM
You had the fish for 2 days ? Hmm that is normal.

It takes a while for new fish to get used to with new surrounding.

Just wait for a week, and see the changes. Some fish need more time than others to settle into new tank.


Sun Aug 14, 2005, 11:25 AM
Hi endless. Discus do seem to prefer dull lighting. Remember, that in the wild, a fish out in the open, in bright sunlight is a perfect target for a predator.

Discus naturally hug the shores of the river, and can be found hiding under overhanging branches.

Your fish are simply following natural instincts. The younger fish will be more adaptable than the older fish. Give them a bit more time to get used to your tank.

Sun Aug 14, 2005, 10:06 PM
Just give them time...

Is ur tank heavilly planted?? If not y do u have such a strong lighting system??

Sun Aug 14, 2005, 11:20 PM
Yeah my tank is heavily planted. Should i leave all my lights on for the next couple of days or just have the fluoros on and slowly let the get accustomed to my tank and lighting?

Mon Aug 15, 2005, 03:28 AM
That sounds like a good plan to me. :)