View Full Version : help me with tricks

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 09:12 AM
I ahve had some pairs lay and produce wrigglers in the community tank but have failed to do so in a 2 ft cube

does anyone have any tricks i should try?

i have tried a few, but list them below anyway i am interested to see what everyone else is trying

heres one i am gonna try over the weekend

" over a few days slowing drian the water in the tanks to half way or just under, i am then going to play a storm CD for an hour just after dark and fill the tank up with fresh clean peated aged water and light a nice candle for them for the evening"

even if that does not work it will calm my nerves and frustrations LOL

what are your tricks?

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 09:43 AM
Ok, my little trick but you cant tell anyone kalebjarrod,

Terminalia catappa. :shock:


Thu Aug 04, 2005, 10:00 AM
the problem is finding it


re thread i dunno sorry, every time i think i am doing something wrong it seems to work, when i think i'm doing everything right....nothing, he he

tried actinic lights, peat, cool water to help mimic fresh rainfall, haven't tried a cd of storms yet let me know how it goes, my fish seem to like bass heavy music so i'm interested

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 12:38 PM
Kalebjarrod :

I think it is called "Patience". I was having a similar problem (wrigglers in Community tank) so moved the pair into a 2 foot tank. Nothing happened for a few weeks and I got disgusted and sick of cleaning out the mess from them in the 2 foot tank, so I put them back into the Community tank.

Next day they started bowing, shivering and carrying on, so I siphoned water out of the Community tank into the 2 footer and three quarter filled it, then topped it up with aged water, placed the loving couple in and within an hour they had started to spawn :D :D .

Thought I had them beat, didn't I?

They have spawned about 5 times O.K., But now the buggers keep on eating the eggs :banghead :banghead. Makes me want to scream :evil: .

Anyway, from what I am learning on this site, you just have to persevere, persevere, persevere ZZZZzzzzz.

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 01:28 PM
Ive got a pair that would spawn once a week with wrigglers every time I did a water change now, they are in my 2 footer and didnt look like spawning at all. So I got some rain water and used a half rain and tap water mix.
They spawned that evening, maybe a coincient :!:
Free swimmers 2 days old :P

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 01:38 PM
Hmm, interesting. How do you stop them eating their eggs, that's my problem.

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 01:40 PM
Hahahaha good plan Ryan.

Barry White always does it for me 8-)

Fri Aug 05, 2005, 01:28 AM
i've tried just about all of it so far

cooler water

peat in water

larger water changes

no water changes

old tank water

tank water from a spwaning tank to the breeding tank

patience (even though i don't belive in it LOL)

i haven't tried Terminalia catappa, but i just order one then so in september i will plant the tree and start using it

interesting none the less

keep posting your tricks and i will keep being frustrated LOL

Thu Aug 11, 2005, 12:42 PM
Hi Ben
can you tell me is it only Terminalia catappa to be used or can you use a mixture of
Sweet Almond , Tropical Almond & catappa Leaves
I only ask as there is a site in Singapore selling them as a mix
cheers Max

Thu Aug 11, 2005, 01:00 PM
Terminalia catappa is the botanical name, it is also know by many other names such as the one's you mentioned, This makes me think it is all the same leaves!


can i ask what is the website?


mistakes r crucial
Thu Aug 11, 2005, 07:09 PM
Have you tried live food? Mozzie wrigglers after a big water change might help.

Thu Aug 11, 2005, 10:52 PM
Hi Ben,
Not so much a site, but a buy it now listing on Ebay


Cheers Max

ps, I e-mailed customs who said these can be purchased as long as they are labelled with botanical name, as well as dry and not be able to produce seeds or cuttings

Fri Aug 12, 2005, 08:24 AM
ryan something i thought of the other day was using a very small (10mil) covering of that pool filter sand you have in the african display tank in the breeding tank. because it is so tightly packed the eggs and wrigglers will not get amongst the gravel and just sit on top. then put a small sword in there and a small pice of drift wood and they would feel more at home as well as it being quite fry proof if you know what i mean?


Fri Aug 12, 2005, 08:44 AM

i was going down that road this weekend

then i went out to the shed and i have eggs

guess it was patience after all LOL

Fri Aug 12, 2005, 12:22 PM
LOL im goin to try it myself