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View Full Version : Stage 2: Lighting

Mon Jul 25, 2005, 10:54 AM
Suggestions are required for optimal lighting for a 4'x2'x2' tank

Metal Halides?



Power Compacts?

Other - please comment.

Mon Jul 25, 2005, 12:51 PM
Keep in mind, the tank is 2 ft deep, and 2ft wide

Wed Aug 03, 2005, 04:24 AM
can you give a brief description in the lighting for those who dont know :oops:

Wed Aug 03, 2005, 05:42 AM
i think with lighting the most important thing to consider is availability.
and frankly, Sydney (dunno about the rest of Aust) sucks!!

Compacts and T5 are great but you'll have a hell of a time trying to find them or replace them. Even Osram for example have a base here in Syd with a great selection of PCs with decent 36W of power and carry a 6500k spectrum. But they simply dont import them in.

The best options are always overseas either from the Us or Germany. So getting these you would have to consider freight and exchange rates. not to mention time and security.

I went through this delema recently and thus have opted for the Aqualina Pc from Aquaria supplies in WA with catalina bulbs. I know these are very popular with alot of people but atlease i know i can get a stable supply here in Oz.

to boost them up, i also added 2 150W DIY metal Halide with arcadia 10000k bulbs. They are actually a shop fitting kind and thus would need decent ventilation. but for $130 each i couldn't resist. the bulbs though were added on extra. I guess the only draw back for this setup is your hood. As for me i had to get it custom made to get the clearance it needed.

So proteus, what are you gonna do?


Wed Aug 03, 2005, 07:47 AM
I am looking at getting a 4ft twin halide, quad PC set up.

2 x 150w 6500k Halides

4 x 18w PC tubes (prob a combo of Actinic & White/Pink)

still not 100% sure, but pretty close to it

Wed Aug 03, 2005, 12:02 PM
MH and CF are looking like a great idea Proteus.

Are you going to hang the lights from the ceiling or place them in a hood?

I have 6 x 55w CF over my 4x2x2 tank and it is going great. I will take some pictures as soon as I can borrow a digital camera. If anyone has a camera they would like to lend me for an hour (more like take some pictures of the tank and discus) and know how to post the pics on the discus forum I can give them some Hygro, val and a cryptocoryne balansea I am about to throw out.

PM me if you have a dig camera.



Wed Aug 03, 2005, 12:33 PM
Since I am in a rental apartment hanging from the ceiling is not an option.

I will probably use the elevated stands that come with the unit.

Wed Aug 03, 2005, 01:13 PM
How high are the stands abobe the water surface?

Wed Aug 03, 2005, 01:22 PM
I think approx 20cm (8 inches) from the top of the tank

Thu Aug 04, 2005, 10:50 AM
I recently bought a Geismann 230 Plus system which is the 150W Metal Halide with a PC light aswell.

My tank is also 2ft deep and i've found that the metal halide works wonders for getting down there to the plants, everything else i've found is a little lacking.

Sun Aug 07, 2005, 12:10 PM
Have you decide which one to use ?

Sat Aug 13, 2005, 06:57 AM
I think that metal halides are the best light for planted tank, but I had to vote for pc's since the tank will house discus. The beauty of MH lights is the cool ripple effect they cast from the water suface onto the plants. Yet, for some reason this tends to spook the discus. Also, MH's in a canopy require a chiller unit, which is noisy and expensive. I gave away my MH and chiller set-up when I switched from Reef to Planted Discus. I now run 320watts of PC 5,000k to 6,700k.

Sat Aug 13, 2005, 10:44 AM
No fish have been planned for the tank as yet.

First and foremost it will be a planted display tank.

Tue Aug 16, 2005, 10:50 AM
As per my other post in this area, the project is on hold till I relocate.

The lighting however has pretty much been decided upon.

It will be a twin 150w (6500k) Metal Halide set up, with quad 18w PC tubes (of varied spectrums).