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View Full Version : Tip for black ghost knifes

Mon Jun 27, 2005, 07:51 AM
After reading a topic about the compatability of discus and BGK i thought i would post this. I have heard that if you put a piece of transparent pipe in the tank, the BGK will use it as a home and you will still be able to see it. They feel safe and protected. Just thought i would post that.

Mon Jun 27, 2005, 08:00 AM
I think most aquarium shop also have those transparent pipe in the tank.

Thanks for sharing Woll ^^

Mon Jun 27, 2005, 11:53 AM
this is because they have an electric organ that they use sort of like a radar to track food and to know their possition ect. it sends out waves a couple of times a secind i think it is and this helps them find their way around. they dont have very good sight (eyes) so this is their sight in a way.

with the transparent pipe thing its like thye know they r safe in a cave (because they can sense the pipe but they dont know it is see thru. sorta works like that but im not completly clear on how all that works

Thu Jun 30, 2005, 02:29 PM
what a good idea. I might get some pipe and put it in my tank. At the moment my Knifie and my Clown Loach sort of cuddle up together between a large rock and the glass wall of the tank. They look really funny :lol:

Thu Jun 30, 2005, 02:53 PM
lol margot. just be careful that that clown loach doesnt get a fright tank cut the knife up. the clown has very sharp fins, and the knifes actually dont have scales!. so it will get sick very quickly