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View Full Version : Poll. Do you use UV on your tanks?

Sat Jun 25, 2005, 02:08 PM
Just wondering how many of us have UV units on our tanks.

Comments welcome.

Sat Jun 25, 2005, 02:12 PM
UV units on all my tanks.

Units range from 11w to 36w

I am considering adding a second 36w unit to my main display tank, as well as a Nitrate Reducter (& controller).

also, considering getting a 4-5 phase RO unit for water purification.

UV = extra insurance

Sat Jun 25, 2005, 02:13 PM
UV on all my tanks too, 24/7 on , never turn them off

Sat Jun 25, 2005, 02:34 PM
I don't run any,I have no reason to run one.

Sat Jun 25, 2005, 09:55 PM
i don't run uv

up until last week i have never had a problem with my fish

so i have just never though of it

Sun Jun 26, 2005, 09:43 AM
Suprising 6 out ten people use a UV system, so far, I dont no anyone that uses one :!:

Sun Jun 26, 2005, 10:16 PM
i don't run uv

up until last week i have never had a problem with my fish

so i have just never though of it

Yeah , i think if you do regular water changes ( eg: every second day ), theres shouldnt be a problem with the fish.
But sometimes im busy with study (uni) and only have a change to do water changes once a week, and this where UV prevent diseases and other bad stuff due to my slackness :P -_-

shrimp paste
Mon Jun 27, 2005, 03:34 AM
I installed a 9W system (vorton 4500) just over 1 week ago. The overnight difference was incredible, and I already perform 30-50% WC at least twice a week. After a 3 day absence from my tank i was further amazed at the water clarity. At first i thought i had a catastrophic leak the water was so clean.

Having a 285L bare bottom with potted plants means lots of light and reflection around the tank. My regular water changes kept algae levels low. The addition of UV has eliminated any traces of cloudy water, green spots etc.... and any concern i have of it returning.

I love this thing and the impact it has made on my tank!!

jim from sydney
Mon Jun 27, 2005, 11:51 AM
I installed a 9W system (vorton 4500) just over 1 week ago.
I love this thing and the impact it has made on my tank!!

what size tank have you got this one for??????how much did it cost???Jim

Mon Jun 27, 2005, 11:59 AM
I find my water is crystal clear when i clean the glass :roll:

Mon Jun 27, 2005, 03:16 PM
I find my water is crystal clear when i clean the glass :roll:

Heheh cleaning the glass and really bright lights does it ^^

shrimp paste
Mon Jun 27, 2005, 11:18 PM
Hi Jim,

My tank is approx 285l. The UV system can handle heaps more than this, as it is also used in pond applications. It can handle up to 4500L and a flow rate of about 1500l/phr. I am pushing about 300l/hr via a canister and the UV and a second wet dry filter at about 400l/hr without UV.
It cost about $220 including globe. Replacement Phillips globe about $40 if i recall correctly.

A few others on this site have the next higher model the vorton 9000 (i think thats the model number) Will cost another 100 or so.

Got mine from the pond place at Granville, corner William and Woodville Rds - there is a member here who works\owns the place. I think the name was Derrick. Maybe able to give more specs \ info on the other units.



jim from sydney
Tue Jun 28, 2005, 04:38 AM
Haz...thanks Pal.....now a q'n.......i am thinking of putting the UV in-line with the canister ext filter.. a) is this OK???? b) if yes, then should it be before the canister or after the canister filter??? i don't want any good bacteria killed by the UV. What do you have???.....Jim

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 04:53 AM
Howdy everybody. New to the forum. I just thought I would coment. I don't use UV on my tanks (yet) but I have a 3200 gallon pond that was having a problem with green water (no shade at all where I live). I added a UV sterilizer (Tetra Pond UV3) about 10 days ago. Now the water is clear and can actually see my fish. Thinking I should add to my tanks now (55 gallon planted discus and 30 gallon reef). Wonderful devices.

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 04:54 AM
BTW - I have mine after mechanical filtration but before bilogic filtration.

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 05:00 AM
Hi All,

I use UV on my 4x2x2 and will be from now on. UV's help keep the bacteria count down and also zap any free floating algae which keeps water clearer.

Jim, put the UV on the out put of your canister filter, the theory there is that the water passing through the UV is cleaner/filtered and less gunk will form on the qautz sleeve reducing the UV's effectiveness a kill rate. Also putting a pre filter (sponge) on the intake of the canister will help from gunk forming too. HTH


Dee :)

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 06:20 AM
Hi Dee

What UV are you using on the 4x2x2?

Thanks.. oscar

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 07:19 AM
Hi Oscar,

I have a 9W CoraLife UV currently on my 4x2x2 on the output of one of my Eheim Canisters. I also have a 18W Coralife UV, but it leaked when I installed it :roll: so I am waiting to get it fixed or a replacment 18W back from O/S. The CoraLifes arnt cheap but bulbs are pretty easy to get and the arnt too pricey. HTH


Dee :)

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 07:26 AM
Hi Dee

Did you get the Coralife from Singapore?

I've actually been thinking about getting myself one of these.
If you got it from overseas did you have any problems with shipping etc.

Also are the globes from overseas or can you get them easily in Australia.

Thanks.. Oscar
PS. any import tax charged

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 07:49 AM
Hi Oscar,

Sent u a PM mate :wink:


Dee :)