View Full Version : discus eating...

Mon Jun 20, 2005, 02:25 AM

jsut got a pair of discus over the weekend, and wondered how long I should wait before I start feeding them. so far they have shown a little interest in the small amount of food i gave them, but essentially werent too interested (it was what the guy I bought them off was feeding them, colour bits). I figured i might try brine shrimp tonight, but was looking to find out if any of you could suggest a better alternative. been a while (over 10 years) since I had discus, so a little rusty on them.



Mon Jun 20, 2005, 02:54 AM
I have just got into discus as well and tonight for the first time my 3 to 4 month olds that I have had for 4 and 2 days finnally ate some White Mosquitto Larvae, they love brine shrimp and some tetra flakes, so thats what their primary diet was up untill tonight!!!!! they wouldnt eat it just melted, so I took it and choped the froze block of larvae up for them (gross! lol) and they ate it up fast!!! so yeahhhh now they have 3 things on the menu!... Brine with a side of Mosquitto larvae and a touch of tetra flakes is on the breakfast/brunch/lunch/midday snack/dinner/latenightsnack menu! lol!!!!!

I have not tried bloodworms but I hear they love them too... Mine wont eat the colorbits yet... but I think they need to grow up a bit before... I have also learned that they love beefheart and this is an excelent food for them, but feed sparingly because excess beefheart if not eatten can pollute the water quit bad!

so buy some cory cats! lol

good luck!

Mon Jun 20, 2005, 02:57 AM
my shrimp think left over beefheart is deeeeelicious! They make an excellent clean up crew :)

Mon Jun 20, 2005, 04:26 AM
I might chuck in a bristlenose to clean up their left overs, then take him out once they are showing some breeding signs. they have bred for the previous owner, but dont think they will any time in the near future after a big move.

Mon Jun 20, 2005, 04:30 AM
Discus Require a balanced diet to keep them healthy.
Try feeding Brine, blood worms and beef heart tetra bits and flake, You can get these in gel form from you local fish store,
Just feed them little amounts at first whilst there getting used to there new home. Dont forget discus require clean water to thrive :!:

Mon Jun 20, 2005, 05:48 AM
Hi Gav,

Seems like the gang have already given you some pretty sound advice. :D You can begin feeding them now.

Constant clean water is the key with discus breeding pairs. That and good quality food several times daily. Keep your temperature up, about 29 - 30 is ideal for spawning.

Sydney water is soft and almost neutral at the moment, so try not to mess too much with getting the pH "exactly right". It will drop slightly on ageing, and that will be fine just as it is for spawning. The less you have to do to the water, the more inclined you will be to do those daily water changes that are necessary to induce pairs to spawn.

In the breeding tank, try to change about 20% to 30% of the water daily. Sometimes a slight drop in temperature of 2 degrees will induce spawning. We are trying to simulate the breeding season in their natural habitat, when rains will wash fresh water into the rivers and creeks, along with an abundant supply of food. The temperature of the river drops slightly, due to the rain, the fish gorge on the insects and beetles washed into the river, and begin spawning.

If you post a pic of your tank Gav, and supply other details, such as water parameters etc, it will help further.

Welcome to the wonderful, exciting and frustrating world of Discus. :wink: