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View Full Version : Gill fluke life cycle

Wed Jun 15, 2005, 08:01 AM
Just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes from a laid fluke egg to reproducing adult at 30 degrees C?

I have read a few different and vague time frames such as (I'm assuming based on 24C), egg to hatching 4 days, free swimming larvae 4 days,
reproducing adult 10 days after attatching.

Thats 18 days and I would assume much less at 30C, but how much less?

Another reference says at 24C it only takes a few days to complete the life cycle.

Also read Dactylogyrus lays 2 eggs/hr at 12C and 20 eggs/hr at 24C.

Just trying to see how effective some control methods are based on the life cycle.