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Wed Apr 07, 2004, 01:57 AM
The Good news is, my Large Red pair from SLS have decided, hey, lets decorate this pot with some eggs...

Bad news is, they decided it was time for a snack and a couple of days later, all gone....

I am not too worried at this stage, as I am sure it not due to there size or age, as they are pretty darn big (they have grown about 1-2cm-.5-1inch in the past 4-5 weeks), but more due to the fact that there is 12 other Discus in the tank...

Both Reds were gaurding the area, but come feeding time, it is a frenzy so anything is possible.

Only a week or so before another 4 x 2 tank is up and running, then the others will be moved and I will leave the Reds & Bungas where they are... much more cosy.

Wed Apr 07, 2004, 06:03 AM
hey proteus, better luck next time, huh?? but what a great sign that they are a)comfortable enough to breed, and b) that your water is of such good quality. i'm not interested in breeding at all (rummy-noses aside!!) but hats off to you for keeping them happy enough to do so!


Wed Apr 07, 2004, 09:37 AM
Gee... u got a breeding pair on the cheap didn't you? :lol:

Good work Rohan! Tank to themselves and a few more test runs and u'll be pumping out Malboro reds!


Wed Apr 07, 2004, 10:14 AM
Are these the fish you got from SLS??? THe bunga rays?? if so what size were they when you got them

Wed Apr 07, 2004, 11:21 AM
No mate.. not the Bunga Rayas. These were some large Malboro Reds.

The Bunga Raya's were only small... HOWEVER there are now some very LARGE ones at SLS... he he he.


Wed Apr 07, 2004, 02:37 PM
You never know Kev... these Reds might just come full circle...

a successful spawn or 2, and you may just have some in your tanks again... lol


(well, not the same ones of course, but family all the same)

Mon Apr 19, 2004, 08:49 PM
I suppose you just have to role with the punches, as they say.

Sooner or later you would think they would be "settled" down and ready..to NOT go munching. :wink:

Mon Apr 19, 2004, 11:46 PM
Well, let's just say pairing up and spawning are a pretty common incident here at SLS.

Currently have had 4pairs spawn in the last 5days!!

One pair of red melons
One pair Red melons x Pearl pigeon
One pair leopard spotted snakeskin
One pair Ghost discus

.... all bred in a tank with 10 other large fish in the shop!

Bristlenoses probably chomped the eggs over night but hey, they spawned! And they are a pair!
