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View Full Version : My first new discus

Thu May 26, 2005, 01:37 PM
Hey all! It's the American here...

I just wanted you to know that after a month or so of following your advice, and several months of planning, I now am the proud owner of 4 new discus in my 55 gal.

What a treat. They're so beautiful: 2 pigeon bloods, one checkerboard and I *believe* one bue panda. They're all small, about 2, or 2 1/2", and they seem to be getting along alright with the goramis in the tank.

They're a bit stressed from having been in the pet store, and also the move itself, but they're active, and I think they're even eating already.

Any advice on quick de-stressing and acclimation? Thanks again for everyone's help...

Thu May 26, 2005, 02:04 PM
Congratulations on purchasing your first discus. We hope you have a long and happy life together. :D

Expect them to take a little while to settle in. You can help them along by not having the tank lights on for a few days, just the room light, till they get used to their new surroundings.

They will soon be looking for you every feeding time. Discus have such wonderful personalities. :wink:

Sun May 29, 2005, 06:53 AM
Congrats! They are going to be so much fun! As ladyred has mentioned they do have personalities, ones that will steal your heart! You will have to get some pics one they settle down in their new home and adjust.

Sun May 29, 2005, 10:45 AM
i give you good evice " dont kill it"

Sun May 29, 2005, 10:04 PM
My best advice is to simpley "leave it be"

so many people get so excited with there new fish that they have to do somthing all the time in the tank, move this, adjust that etc etc

keep the hands out of it, lights of for a couple of days and then they will be happy and feeding

great to hear you finnally got some discus, you won't regret it :wink: