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View Full Version : Choosing Tankmates

Fri May 20, 2005, 01:45 AM
Ok, time to pick out fish!
125 gallon planted tank.
What I have that will go in there:
5 angels
1 pleco
3 aging gouramis (how long do these guys live for, Ive had them for 6 years now)

I guess I want some a small schooling fish and some kind of scavenger to go in there (cory cats maybe, do those do ok) and do clown loaches do ok (I adore them for their snail eating habits! I had 3 big ones but tragedy stuck and they were victims of a mass tank murder)

I plan on having 6-9 discus in here when its all said and done.

Thats not too overcrowded is it.

(once again, sorry for the lack of question marks)

I just love picking your brains :)

-oh so excited about my sunday, tank arrival day!

Fri May 20, 2005, 02:41 AM
i would not put the angels in with them. the rest is fine. just to make it easy i would put in about 7 or 8 discus. (for maintanence purposes). cory cats are very good, also ottocinclus and gibbiceps (sailfin pleco. for shoalins fish i would go with rummy-nose tetras and cardinal tetras. there are many more tetras available that go with discus but these 2 types of tetras make a great effect in a planted tank. have a good shoal of maybe 20 of both kinds and it will look spectacular! :D