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Sat Apr 30, 2005, 05:58 PM
Hi all, new to the site(obvisously) anyways, im kept freshwater fish since i was a little kid(about 12 years of expeirence now) im 17now, surprisenly most of them years i've been doing it right, i've gotten chances to keep alot of species in that time, and a number of plants as well. now before i finish school and all that crap and have to go to college, i would like ot setup a final tank, 55g nothing that big, somewhat planted, and im thinking 3-4 discus and a maybe a clown pleco, do the numbers sound right?

right now were in the process of looking for a new place, so it'll be mid summer till this gets under way with fish, right now i got a pair of 10'gs setup to start growing my plants, but i always like to do my research far in advance

Sat Apr 30, 2005, 10:28 PM
welcome to the forum

glad to have ya here

Sat Apr 30, 2005, 10:46 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum. Glad to see you're doing the research now, before you get your fish.

You're right on track with your plan for your 55 gallon. The rule of thumb is one adult fish per 10 gallons, so four will be well within the limits.

Just a word of caution on your pleco. Some of them have been known to develop a taste for the slime coating on discus, and will annoy the discus by sucking on their sides. Some bristlenose catfish might make a better substitute.

If you put your location in your profile, it helps us when recommending medications or treatments common to your local area. Thanks.

Sat Apr 30, 2005, 10:54 PM
i live in pennsylvania(united states), im getting my discus locally cause i can get them cheap, $15 thier nothing special mostly just the common torquise colors, but thats good enough for me for now, maybe later on i would look at the rarer types.

i've never had a problem with the clown pleco's thou, i've kept them with several groups of angels and gourami's, but im actually thinking of maybe a large group of otto cats instead, been a while since i've kept the little fellow's and i always had good luck with them.

Sat Apr 30, 2005, 11:08 PM
Ahhhh another friend from the states. Great. We have lots of members from over your way.

Hey, nothing wrong with turquoise discus. Nothing looks better than a tank full of happy, healthy turks.

Sun May 01, 2005, 02:50 AM
welcome to DF.com !!!!! :D