View Full Version : Discus frustration, advice would be humbly appreciated

Thu Nov 03, 2022, 03:02 AM
I've kept discus for 3 years (switched from African cichlids). Adults cost allot so I've been getting discus between 1 inch up to 4 inches but none of them grow. I've been told that it's just bad luck, that I should feed blood worms, that I should feed frequently. I've read about frequent water changes and I tried q 2 day changes for a few months without success. I've also tried subbing half of tap with RO (PH tap water varies from season to season between 7.5 and 8) and I have tried different "meal plans" including making beef heart recipes.

I recently read that there should be no substrate in the tank - is that true for all discus juveniles, even 4 inch sizes? Does that include decorations? I've never had nothing in the tank.

I'm about ready to throw in the towel - it's allot of work that's not working so far, plus it's expensive to keep failing. Any suggestions? I plan to try again (one more time!) with an empty 50 gallon tank. I have my stunted fish that have not grown over a year - do I start over? see if they will start growing? Optimal water changes? Frequency of feeding?

Water parameters are PH 7.8, ammonia and nitrite zero, nitrate about 5 ppm. I feed only with flakes and bug bites twice a day. Felt too discouraged to try the beef heart again and worried about diseases with blood worms.

Thank you for any advice.

Sun Nov 13, 2022, 04:26 PM
Update: 50 gallon tank, no sand. I have one small piece of wood (Hamiledyi). Filters are HOB and sponge. PH 8.0, nitrate 10, ammonia and nitrite 0. Fish include 2 new discus 2 inch and 3 inch and 4 stunted discus up to 4 inches, 12 cardinals, 3 bristle nose, 3 roseline sharks. Changing water about twice a week 50% with pre-treated, aged water. Feeding at least three times a day with Cobalt premium fish flakes.

Wed Nov 16, 2022, 08:32 PM
Flakes are not for discus
search online, there are many articles on feeding discus, from bloodworms to brine shrimp to beefheart and so much more.

I use only RO water, and change 1/4 of all water daily.

Sat Nov 26, 2022, 02:24 AM
Update: So far no obvious growth. The new fish had swim bladder disease so now I soak the flakes before giving it to them

Sun Dec 04, 2022, 02:47 AM
The fish aren't growing so I plan to do daily water changes for the most part. I also read on one site that I should increase the tank temp to about 86 F. I also vary the flakes with bug bites and brine shrimp. I plan to get Hikari Bio-gold based on on-line reviews. Fingers crossed.

Sat Dec 31, 2022, 04:15 AM
Update: No growth yet. I have an RO system and am using 50:50 mix and changing the water about 50% daily. I started both 2 weeks ago. The ph is about 7.2, kph about 80 (using test strips so not accurate). Ammonia and nitrate are zero and temp is 86 F. I took the 2 BN out and the roseline sharks. Feeding 3 + times a day depending on my schedule.