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View Full Version : My new Turquoise discus not eating much

Wed Dec 04, 2019, 11:28 AM
Hi Everyone, I am Steffy jose. I have 45 gallon tank. I keep 1 small Turquoise Discus (4 inch), 1 Geophagus (4 inch), 1 german blue ram, 6 neon tetra and 4 panda cory.
I know discus is schooling fish and costlier at the same time. i am afraid that it might die. so I bought one discus fish. Actually saying, It is afraid of me and hide at corner. Other than that it is doing great. it is chasing other fishes. If i switch off aquarium light, it does not even care even if i am nearer to the aquarium. I keep 28'c. I do 20% water change twice a week. My problem, fish is not eating so much. It eats very rarely, especially when food comes nearer to it. i feed tetra bite flake food and dry blood worms. Kindly suggest how to make my discus fish to eat. I ordered special hikari discus food at amazon. Need your suggestion guys.

Thu Dec 26, 2019, 03:49 PM
Em... what suggestions do you need?

Jack Frost
Mon Jan 20, 2020, 08:14 PM
He isn't eating because he is lonely, Discus do better in shoals, buy some more then try feeding Beefheart.