View Full Version : Tank Mates

Thu Jan 26, 2017, 01:08 PM
Hi All.

I have seen pictures of Discus and Angels sharing a tank, my question is more about Apple Snails and Bristlenose Ancistrus. Any thoughts and/ comments.


Thu Jan 26, 2017, 10:46 PM
Bristlenose and Peppermints are fine but only keep one or two as they produce a lot of waste.
Apple snails are not ideal. They need hard water to maintain their shells. When I tried it my discus did pick on them. More importantly, I would keep snails out of the discus tank for potential disease reasons, as well as the ability to medicate without invertebrates in the tank. Many medications are toxic to snails.

Sat Jan 28, 2017, 06:51 AM
I agree with the medicating issue with the snails. I am trying to find research of the snail being a carrier of disease. I will post what i find.
