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View Full Version : R O Water?

Wed Apr 13, 2005, 11:43 AM
Can anybody advise,what is RO water? and what do you use it for?
thanks all

shrimp paste
Thu Apr 14, 2005, 12:25 AM
Hi Spencer,

RO is "Reverse Osmosis" water. It is basically a water filter unit, that removes 'heavy metals and chemicals' from your tap water. There are heaps of different types (look in the clasified section - there is info on units and costs for members).

They do not normally run 'in line with your tank filter' but are used to pre-treat water for your Water changes. Most people use a combination of RO water and de-chlorinated tap water for water changes. The reason is that if we used just RO water we are removing all the minerals and reducing the waters buffering ability which may lead to PH crashes. It is therefore normal to use some RO water and some tap water.

I am not using one yet, but saving my $$$ to get there soon.

Also do a seach on RO or reverse osmosis on this site. There are heaps of threads and info.



Thu Apr 14, 2005, 12:41 AM
Sorry about that, since posting,i have looked thru a few posts manually,
The search function on the forum is a bit vague
I typed in ro water and it bought up 967 references most (majority) of which had nothing to do with ro water