View Full Version : FS:Arch shaped fish tank on stand...

Sun Feb 16, 2014, 12:54 PM
Hi all

Im selling an arch shaped (seamless rim) fish tank that sits on a black timber stand/cupboard.

It holds approx 50ltrs of water and on the stand is approx 4ft high.

It comes with a large sponge filter, airpump and an aquaone 100w heater.

This tank was originally an internal trickle filter setup, which was not suited for my intended use.

The original light was removed and I converted to LED'S which I purchased from jaycar electronics, but they have stopped working (dont know why)

Asking $50 for the lot

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy293/sandmannvan/20140216_224227_zps1164c263.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/sandmannvan/media/20140216_224227_zps1164c263.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy293/sandmannvan/20140216_224336_zpsc89fd196.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/sandmannvan/media/20140216_224336_zpsc89fd196.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy293/sandmannvan/20140216_234152_zpse2bbd6de.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/sandmannvan/media/20140216_234152_zpse2bbd6de.jpg.html)

http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy293/sandmannvan/20140216_234251_zpsb1e4e6d9.jpg (http://s801.photobucket.com/user/sandmannvan/media/20140216_234251_zpsb1e4e6d9.jpg.html)


Phone:0414 971 101

Pickup in South Penrith 2750

cheers Apistoguy

Fri Feb 21, 2014, 10:36 AM
DO YOU STILL HAVE THE Elizabethae red belly???

Sun Feb 23, 2014, 12:50 PM
Hi John

All the elizabethae have been sold sorry.

regards Wayne