View Full Version : White Marks all over

Wed Nov 13, 2013, 09:21 PM

I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on what the white marks are all over my discus? We have two of them in the tank and its only the one thats effected.

No new fish have been added recently and we do a 25% water change every week, the water temperature is 30c.

So far we have treated with anti-flute & worming medication and Melafix, any ideas of the next course of action would be great.


Fri Nov 15, 2013, 10:23 AM
what are the water parameters??


Tue Nov 19, 2013, 03:13 AM
Water parameters aren't correct, the discus looks slightly stunted. I'd be replacing 25% of the water daily until they came good, which would probably be 2 weeks. First thing i'd be looking at is either a Ammonia or Nitrates spike.