View Full Version : Discus menu???

Wed Sep 18, 2013, 10:30 AM
Hi folks all, I have confused myself and need to get back to basics with your help please. What is the ideal daily/weekly menu for discus in a community tank? I think I need some baby step instructions again. I did try Spectrum dried food for a week but they refused it. This is pretty much my current regime give or take.
Day 1 morning: frozen beef heart
Day 1 evening: dried Australian worms
Day 2 morning: fresh live worms
Day 2 evening: frozen beef heart with zucchini, cucumber and pumpkin left in the tank overnight
Day 3 morning: frozen shrimp
Day 3 evening: frozen beef heart
Day 4 morning: frozen beef heart
Day 4 evening: fresh brine shrimp with a spirulina tab

The clown loaches also get their sinking pellets too every day and I'll drop in a veggie tab most nights for the bristlenose too,

And so it goes on in this fashion. Is this ok? I've given up in dried pellets/flakes. They just ignored it totally. All fish are healthy, growing and active. They love human company, following us when we are close to the tank and they all eat out of my hand if I give them a cube of freeze dried worms as a lunch time treat.

6ft tank, 7 juvie-young adult discus, 1 angel fish, 5 clown loaches, 1 peppermint bristlenose, 1 royal whip tail, 5 cory's, 5 otto's, 1 dwarf goruami.

Ideas for diet improvement very much appreciated. Thanks,