View Full Version : Hello everyone

VH Discus
Thu May 09, 2013, 01:01 AM
Hi all,

I'm from the south coast of South Australia. Ive been keeping my two discus in a community tank for nearly 7 years. In that time ive moved house and states a couple of times with them and they are still going strong, tough little guys.
I thought it about time to expand my knowledge of them a bit and maybe add a couple more discus to the family.
So here i am. :D


Discus Planetarium
Thu May 09, 2013, 03:48 AM
Welcome to the forum :D would like to see some pics when you have time..DP..

VH Discus
Thu May 09, 2013, 08:16 AM
Hi DP,

I'd love to post pics of my tank but it sprung a leak last week and ive had to pull it apart and fix it. The fish are holidaying in an old borrowed tank which isnt very attractive to look at. Will post some pics in a couple of weeks when its back up and going.

BTW could you direct me to where there are some pics of the Discus you have as im looking to get another 2 when the tank is up and going again. And are they able to be transported to south aust?
Im also thinking of doing a planted aquarium which ive never done before but have no idea what equip id need or where to start. Is there a thread you know of that can help?

Sorry to bombard you with info and questions. lol.

James :D

Discus Planetarium
Thu May 09, 2013, 09:54 AM
James just have a look in the Classifeds you will see my post with some of the discus i sell you can go through the pages and yes we ship AUS wide i will have a new shipment comming very soon thanks..