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View Full Version : Where can you buy Discus in Tasmania?

Thu Mar 07, 2013, 03:37 AM

We have moved to Tassie and are wanting to re set up our tanks but we cannot find anywhere that sells discus. (At least quality discus). We are unable to buy from the mainland due to quarrantine. So where do we go?

Would really love a pair red turqs but anything will get us started.

Thanks in advance

Discus Planetarium
Thu Mar 07, 2013, 04:25 AM
Hi we ship to tassie if you like send me your phone number to my pm box and I will call you thanks

Wed Mar 13, 2013, 02:05 AM
Hi Ben and Debbie,
I live in Tassie and have being hunting for discus this year. Getting discus shipped in from the mainland will need special permits from Fisheries and loads of paperwork (if they allow you to do so): I have tried to go down this path and the costs for the papers and red tape was too much for me. I have had some luck with some local registered fish/pet shops. Would be happy to share my experiences via email <maat.productions@bigpond.com> but would rather not do so on this open forum as it may be seen to be 'pushing' one shop over another.
Best wishes,
Mike J

Thu Mar 28, 2013, 11:51 AM
I also live in tassie and have only ever had access to discus that aquarium industries stock. Ive got pics on www.cichlidstyle.com its also a tassie run forum

Thu Mar 28, 2013, 11:53 AM
Also dont listen to discus suppliers on the mainland as they can send them easily but once they arrive you have to have the proper documentation

Discus Planetarium
Thu Mar 28, 2013, 11:58 AM

We have moved to Tassie and are wanting to re set up our tanks but we cannot find anywhere that sells discus. (At least quality discus). We are unable to buy from the mainland due to quarrantine. So where do we go?

Would really love a pair red turqs but anything will get us started.

Thanks in advance
Hi Debbie you will have your fish next week happy days lol..DP..

Thu Mar 28, 2013, 01:17 PM
Good luck benanddebbie :-/

Wed Apr 03, 2013, 11:18 AM
Yeah! We did it thanks to Anthony at Discus Planetarium. we have 10 beautiful discus in Tasmania from the mainland. Will post photos once they have settled in.

Wed Apr 03, 2013, 02:49 PM
Benanddebbie could you please Private message me then as it seems ive been mislead. Would love some big quality discus