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View Full Version : Algae Question

Tue Feb 05, 2013, 05:53 AM
Hey Guys,

Just a quick question, has anyone had any experience in removing Blue Green Algae. From what Ive read my issue appears to be the fact that I dont have enough flow in my tank, which I have now rectified. Water parameters are perfect.

I have a bunch of Ottos in the tank and they are clearing it slowly. The main issue is its all over some wood/rocks I have in the tank. The discus and tetras I have in there are fine and are quiet happy, I just dont like what it looks like. I was planning on pulling all the wood and rocks and taking a high pressure cleaner to them but thought I'd ask for some other possible solutions first.


Tue Feb 05, 2013, 07:05 AM
Siphon off as much as possible, and increase water changes for the next month, siphoning the algae each change.

If they're eating it, the ottos will soon have it completely under control with a bit of help from your siphoning.

Tue Feb 05, 2013, 07:11 AM
I use 3% peroxide .I put it in a syringe and squirt it onto the algae .Before doing it u need to turn off your filters so it doesnt go anywhere other then where u want it and when it starts to bubble u can turn your filters back on as the bubbles are oxygen anyway and wont hurt anything. I only dose at 10ml per 100ltrs .You can do this again when u do a water change .I got this info from a shrimp forum and have used it with my shrimp and discus tanks without any problems and best of all the algae is nearly all gone.

Tue Feb 05, 2013, 09:06 AM
Hi Rob,

I found this a while back and has some great info re algae id and treatment.

