View Full Version : Thought they were healthy

Mon Dec 17, 2012, 10:04 AM
After having photos sent to me I decided to purchase two discus. In the photos they appeared to be big healthy fish, a little thin but nice fish.
On arrival I found them to be not so healthy.

The male has or has had Gill fluke with one gill working harder than the other and it has damage along the edge.
The female has a wound on her head, looks more like a cut with a small area of scale missing at the end. The thing that concerns me is that the wound is very dark/black. No discharge or loose skin around the wound.

I have them in a quarantine tank, they have become more active and better colour in the 36hrs they have been there.
They only seem to recogonize flake as food but today have eaten my beefheart mix and poked at the dried bloodworms.

I have not medicated them at all , just clean water and good food.

Suggestions for my next step would be appreciated.

Moral of the story get photos of both sides of any fish you are interested in.

Thanks for any help.

Mon Dec 17, 2012, 10:16 AM
Increase your temp to 34.this will help along with salt.

Mon Dec 17, 2012, 11:18 AM
Thanks Swifto. They are in 100lt tank how much salt would you suggest?

Mon Dec 17, 2012, 08:44 PM
2tbl spoons per 40ltrs of water. For a week,water change every day till healthy.