View Full Version : Discus Tank mates

Wed Nov 21, 2012, 12:09 PM
Hi All,

So I got rid of all my africans and wanting to set up a tank with some awesome Discus as the center pieces.

How are these for tank mates?

I'm pretty sure
Angel, Rams and BN are ok

but what about

and I wouldn't mind a colony of RCS that can be sort of live food supply

Wed Nov 21, 2012, 11:55 PM
While some keep angels with discus it is generally not recommended for reasons of competition for food, potential for angels to insert themselves in the pecking order and apparently angels can carry diseases the discus are susceptible to.

Some claim BN can attach to discus sides bit its not something I have observed with my tank.

Angels are great hunters and would threaten the RCS. The ghost knife is also a preditor so not compatible with rcs. Not sure about GK with discus.


Thu Nov 22, 2012, 12:01 AM
Cheers Scott,

yeah I know the RCS will have a hard time surviving. the plan is to have the tank heavily planted.

I'll reconsider the Angel and have heard that bout the BNs but never met anyone who actually experience it.

Anyone else have experience with GK and Discus?

Thu Nov 22, 2012, 02:48 AM
its happened in my tanks i had a big male common Bn who would try and latch onto my discus, I've also had a royal whip and LG6 whiptails do it.

best tankmates for discus are rams (indicator fish they die before your discus) rummy nose tetras (like it hot (28-30c no problem) and when the noses fade in colour something is about to go wrong with your tank.)