View Full Version : some white spots on my discus

Thu Nov 08, 2012, 11:25 AM
Hi, guys I found one of my discus with some white spots on his sides all most like pimpleish looking i didnt notice them thsi morning when i was having a look at them only this afternoon so I dont know if its poped up in that time or what the fish seems to be doing fine swimming eating and was doing a bit of chasing before I took him out of my main tank in to a small holding tank with a dose of aquarium salt till i find what this is and if my other fish are at risk i have 5 other discus 2 really small BN's and a couple of sucking catfish that i think 1 had died well i found what looked like a fish at one stage but was just pretty much fuzz under one of my plants so ive done a 50% change for now and ill do another tomorrow.
So basically can any one tell what this might be and how to treat it I threw in some pics the best i could do the damn thing just wouldn't pose for me lol

Thu Nov 08, 2012, 10:49 PM
Little pimples on the skin, nothing to worry about they get these from time to time they will go away on their own usually as suddenly as they appear.

Your fish looks a little on the stunted side maybe up your water changes and increase your feeds slightly.

Fri Nov 09, 2012, 12:05 AM
OK thanx mate i have only had these fish a couple of weeks so far i been feeding them 1/4 cube of blood worms 2x a day and 1/4 cube brine shrimp 2X a day but they seem to have gone off the shrimp so i got some discus dinner (bad move ) they dont seem to eat it either and its messy lol as for water changes i been doing 2X 25% twice a week and 50% once a week so on say Monday ill do 25% then 25% Wednesday then a 50% over the week end

Fri Nov 09, 2012, 01:13 AM
Blood worms arent really that good for discus they dont have much nutritional value .Your better off looking up Merllyns beefheart mix .Your fish will love u for it .

Fri Nov 09, 2012, 01:30 AM
if you cant get them onto beefheart geed a mix of dry foods, NLS and colourbits are good as are vipan and sera discus granuals. freexe dried black worms are the BOMB so as soon as you can get some of them.

your maintence sounds good just make sure each water change to wipe down the glass on the inside and give a good vac if you have substrate.

My advice is to NEVER feed bloodworms.