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View Full Version : Altum Angelfish Documentary finally in English

FinVision P/L
Sun Sep 16, 2012, 05:24 PM
Hi all you mad keen Altum Angel keepers.. I saw this short Documentary on Altums some time ago in German, and thought it was great, and hoped it would one day be released in English, well now it has see link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duvFEPwabng&feature=share&list=UUZHuEhmXzuA1iT-zGgKdPKg
And just in case you would like to get your hands on some of these beauties we have some F1 Orinoco Altums in stock this is our 3rd shipment and they won’t last historically speaking. All have perfect vertical bars with no broken bars! as seen in some F1s offered around the world from Taiwan, where I visited way back in July 2010 when looking for supply.
He had them breeding in several underground garages, underneath a housing unit complex. I am not sure if he is still breeding them because of the broken bar problem. He had over 100 almost sexually mature adults that he bred and raised to this size and he was using them for his breeding stock. It was amazing to see this many adult Altum angels together in a 3.5 meter by 1.2 meter high tank. I will try and find some of the photos I took of this amazing spectacle .The only disappointing thing was they all had broken vertical bars which was a shame

Wed Sep 19, 2012, 05:40 AM
cool i'll def check it out