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View Full Version : Tetras with discus

Sun Apr 03, 2005, 10:45 PM
just wondering if you can have tetras in the same tank as discus and also what about pictus catfish or will the tetras get eaten
cheers axl

Sun Apr 03, 2005, 11:24 PM
lol a while ago i had 2 12 cm pictus cats in a 6ft tank with my discus, bristle-nose, tetras ect ect. my tetras began to dissapear by the fives!! i took the pictus out and the casualty rate stablized.

basically i would say dont do it but if you got some 5cm ones you might be able to have them togeather. once tetras start dissapearing you will know it is them. this could start happening at 7cm. i wouldnt bother + they are buggers to catch and move. they get caught in the net because of their spines on their fins, so you spend 3/4 of an hour catching and releasing 1.

Sun Apr 03, 2005, 11:25 PM
they go fantastic with discus. just dont buy them to small.

Mon Apr 04, 2005, 05:10 AM
I just brought 10 cardinals and they seem to be doing fine. The neon's ive bought, never had luck with them. They were all eaten.

Mon Apr 04, 2005, 11:02 AM
hey on topic with tetras how many should or could be kept in a 2ftx1.5x1.5 with weekly water changes?

Mon Apr 04, 2005, 01:51 PM
Probably about fifty :lol:

Mon Apr 04, 2005, 02:00 PM
Gee, in a 2ft tank.... U keeping discus in a 2ft tank? Gee, that's a bit small.

What sort of tetras are we talking about. Tetras can start from 2cm amber tetras and go up to larger fish like say the congo tetra. The number u can keep will obviously be related to the eventual size of the fish.

Merrily, 50 tetras would be a bit too generous don't u think? :lol:

Mon Apr 04, 2005, 02:05 PM
Kev, different poster. Chaufle is talking about tetras only in a 2 foot tank - no discus LOL I'm thinking about cardinals or neons here.

Axl is asking about keeping tetras with discus :lol:

Tue Apr 05, 2005, 12:53 AM
i got some tetras with discus , and they look great

Tue Apr 05, 2005, 06:44 AM
oh.. no dicus of course i know its to small =]
im thinkin neons, glowlights, rummies
so 50? cool i thought 30 was over crowded

Tue Apr 05, 2005, 07:44 AM
rummy nose and neons are the best