View Full Version : question about wild discus?

Wed Aug 22, 2012, 04:39 AM
hi there

can anyone please tell me, is it the way breeding the wild discus (wild blue, brown, or green) is the same way as the normal discus? or is it need any more other condition?

thank you

Wed Aug 22, 2012, 05:02 AM
same as normal discus with some minor changes.
Low PH try and keep the ph between5.0 and 5.8
Low TDS use either RO water or distilled water (mix with tap water 75-80% ro 20% tap water)

if your is sydney tell me when you have fry.

Mon Aug 27, 2012, 03:31 AM

thx for your information. my tank now only got the normal discus. but i plan to get 3 wild discus to pair them. i am thinking to get wild brown. so i am doing some research for it.

Sorry ILLUSN unfortunately i am in melbourne.

Bob Daniel
Tue Aug 28, 2012, 11:52 PM
Heiko Bleher weote a couple of articles about wild discus for Practical Fishkeeping magazine. They were published about a year, maybe longer back. In it he described the water parameters he found each species living in.