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View Full Version : 3day old fry in display tank.

Mon Apr 02, 2012, 06:10 AM
I have 7 discus in a 4x2x2 and a pair has recently started laying eggs. To begin with the eggs were getting eaten in a day or so. But this time the eggs survived and now have about 30 swimming fry on my hands. At the moment they are still swimming on the driftwood where the parents laid.
I'm assuming very shortly they will leave the wood and start swimming next to mum n dad.
What is the chances that the fry will actually live in this display tank? Have people successfully breed discus in community tanks and raised the fry?
What an I going to do about feeding them? Will the slime coat and scraps left over from normal feeding be enough to sustain them until they are big enough to be removed from the parents?
The parents are doing an amazing job of protecting them.

Mon Apr 02, 2012, 07:30 AM
Hi Firthy,

Check out this thread a bit further down the page and have a chat to Nev. : )


Good luck with them,


Mon Apr 02, 2012, 08:15 AM
What you have at the moment are wrigglers. It is doubtful they will survive , but not impossible. In a large tank its hard for them to find the parents to attach too and they don't have much energy reserves so tyre easily and will dye in the substrate of your tank. Also if the adults feel threatened by other fish in the tank they will eat them. To give them a fighting chance leave a night light on for them through the night.

Mon Apr 02, 2012, 08:55 AM
I agree with Marlon - not impossible, but not likely. I'd invest in a small separate tank for your pair if you can.