View Full Version : Vale Yellow...but why?

Fri Mar 09, 2012, 10:54 AM
Got home tonight to find my favourite on the bottom of the tank, dead. He was quite lively this morning when I fed them all. All the rest seem fine.

He has been peppered for quite some time, though I didn't think that was a huge issue for a pidgeon.

Water seems fine, 28C, Oppm Ammonia, 5-10ppm Nitrates, TDS 100ppm, pH 7.0. Normally I run the tank at ph6.5 though in the water change last night I added some Aquasonic Carbonate hardness generator(in lieu of the Aquasonic Tropical Conditioner I normally use) as I will soon be introducing CO2 (its a planted tank) and wanted to boost carbonate hardness.

Tankmates are predominately other discus, plus rummy nose, cardinals, 3 rainbowfish and 3 SAE's. Tank is 6x1.5x2 and runs an eheim 2217 canister and an otto pf350G. Food is predominately Sera discus granules with beefheart mix as an occasional treat.

HE is certainly darker tonight then he was this morning, but I have no idea if that happened during the day or is simply due to his passing. In any event I've taken photos in case I missed something.



Any thoughts? The temptation is to immediately bring out the prazi and Big L...but that would simply be a knee jerk.


Fri Mar 09, 2012, 11:18 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss.

Looks fine, except its dead. Can only think it may of got startled and headbutted the glass ??? Your guess is as good as mine.
Looks like a good pan size fish, hope he didn't go to waste.

Peppering is just colouring, gets stronger when they want to spawn.

Sat Mar 10, 2012, 12:13 AM
unfortunately sometimes they do just drop dead for no apparent reason, like SCFS in 30yr old people.

such a pity nice looking fish

Discus Planetarium
Sat Mar 10, 2012, 12:53 AM
sorry to here mate it has happend to me too all good one day next gone

Sat Mar 10, 2012, 03:40 AM
Sorry for your loss Scott,

Clear red eyes, good coverage of flesh, no real evidence of damage to the fins, no signs of external parasites. The picture of a fish in optimal health.

I can't see a reason for the death that would have me treating the tank though obviously with a sudden death I would keep an eye on the others.

I note changed Ph by .5, was that all in one go?

If the Rummy's are still looking good it is unlikely that the water change has been too extreme for your discus but if your Rummy's appear a bit stressed it may be a contributing factor.



Sat Mar 10, 2012, 08:58 AM
I think I have a theory. I have a big blue turq that was the alpha male till yellow came along. These two were often scrapping, but nothing more than a 30 second chase.

When feeding them this morning I see big blue has a scratch down the left side of his body. Perhaps the scrap got more serious with yellow coming off second best.

And yes, the 0.5 jump was in one hit, but over an hour or more and the rummies were fine.

Methinks some salt is now needed to help bug blue heal.
