View Full Version : Earliest age able to treat fry with Prazi?

Mon Feb 06, 2012, 04:14 AM
Hi all,

I'm growing out a batch of fry about a month old now. As of last night I noticed some fry "flashing against" the cone. But I also noticed an adult white poop in the tank like infected with tape worm type. This may explain why my parent fish were eating VERY little. Perhaps the stress of being sent over or having bubs had lowered there immune system?
I recently asked about what age we can treat fry with PP but I should have also asked about Prazi.
Perhaps if its ok to treat with Prazi at a young age I can treat both the parents and fry at the same time for flukes/worms and kill two birds (and hopefully no fry) with one stone.
I'd appreciate any advice or your experiences with doing this as I need to do something asap. My fry are eating well on their own now so they can be separated if need be from the parents for different doses or treatments,

It was all going so well..... : )


Mon Feb 06, 2012, 06:33 AM
PRAZI is safe on fry from about 5 weeks, but i dont think I've ever treated fish that young for worms, just flukes.
If need be move the parents out and treat them

Mon Feb 06, 2012, 07:56 AM
Thanks Illusn,

I was hoping to treat with the Prazi to knock any flukes on the head that may be on the fry, as well as sort the parents for flukes and the tape worms that appear to be present in them now.

I'm thinking separate the parents out and treat for worms that appear to be there and also flukes if present with the prazi.
Then treat the fry separately with Potassium Permanganate for flukes that appear to be present by there flashing.

Thanks Illusn as always, much appreciated.


Mon Feb 06, 2012, 11:07 AM
Have you tried treating with salt it can help with flukes and it's not harsh for the young fry. I normally add some salt to my grow out tanks to keep fluke under control helps with bacterial infection as well.

Mon Feb 06, 2012, 12:08 PM
Hi Mike,

That would be fantastic to get that info. I had not considered that. I've rung and left a message on your mobile mate and I'm happy to call back if you would like to text when you are free.
The PCS are having Oliver ( mr_docfish ) from Aquotix do a talk on internal and external parasites etc and treatments at the monthly meeting tomorrow. I'm heading along. Should be good info,
