View Full Version : Discus Health Journal

Mon Dec 19, 2011, 12:37 AM
I wanted to start a journal, not on a new tank, or new layout etc, but on trying to nurse one of my discus back to health.

Basically I bought 4 discus from George at SLS and they have been going great, with the one exception. The smaller Turquoise has always found it hard to get food, they share the tank with Black Widow Tetras who are just too quick at feeding time. Even to the point of if the discus spit a bit of food out, before they suck it back in the tetra’s are grabbing it.

After discussing with George we both feel that the Black Widows are causing the stress and the little discus just cannot survive with them, so thankfully George has offered to take them off my hands. This is sad in itself, I have had these guys for over 12 months, they are not aggressive at all, they are just too quick for the discus, at least I know they are going to a good home!

So on Saturday I will be going to SLS to drop them off and pick up a bottle of broad spectrum antibiotics just in case the stress has caused any infections. I have been pretty blessed with Discus, having kept them for about 4.5 years this is the first one that has even gotten sick.

I just thought it might be, not only helpful to myself, but potentially helpful to anyone else that might come across a similar problem. This is definitely one of those moments when you really think about how lucky you are to have a wealth of knowledge like George on the other end of the line!

I would love it if anyone else could share they experiences with me if they have had a similar thing happen to their discus? What did you do? Did you feed them anything special? And so on!

Thank you for reading guys and girls, let’s hope this has a happy ending!!