View Full Version : Frozen Brine Shrimp

Mon Oct 03, 2011, 11:33 AM
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone might know why my Discus won't eat frozen Brine Shrimp ?
They will grab them in their mouth but spit them out.
They eat beef heart etc,etc with gusto.
Cheers, Gumby

Mon Oct 03, 2011, 11:42 AM
Maybe they aren't use to it, l've had similar with new fish, only want to eat what they are used to. Have been recomended different foods from the local fish shop, coz his discus tear it apart, only to have mine ignore it totally.
Bet they'd wolf down live brine shrimp the fussy bastards.

Mon Oct 03, 2011, 11:48 AM
ROFL, yeah they do woof down the live Brine shrimp, i was guessing they never had it before, just thought there might have been another reason for it. Oh well i'll just keep putting small amounts in the tank till they eat frozen, fussy little caviar munchers :lol:
Cheers, Gumby