View Full Version : Constipated discus

Sat Sep 10, 2011, 12:17 AM
I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 5 discus in it. Two of them had hexamita, so to encourage them to eat I bought a very pregnant red wag platy. She dropped her fry but it appears that the largest discus in the tank - which did not have hexamita - ate them all. I also bought a UV sterilizer which seems to have cleared up the hexamita, but the largest discus is sweelled up like a balloon and no doubt constipated. I have tried epsom salts 4 times but to no avail. She has beeen constipated for over a week. Her color is good but she of course is not eating. Is there anything other than epsom salts I can try to relieve her constipation?


Mr Wild
Sat Sep 10, 2011, 02:23 AM
Epsom should work what dosage are you using? Stop feeding meat and pellets try spilulina, more vegetable matter might be the key. Maybe bacterial also.

Exotic Aquatic
Sat Sep 10, 2011, 03:17 AM
try the temp at 33-34, 1tblspn epsom/10ltrs and their favortie food directly over the epsom crystals in the hope they will ingest some.