View Full Version : FS: HBH & Omega One Cichlid Foods

Thu Aug 11, 2011, 07:41 AM
Clearing some fish foods that I no longer needed as I'm now keeping marine instead of cichlids/tropicals.

1. HBH 8 Veggie Flake (198g) NEW unopened $35
2. HBH 8 Veggie Flake (198g) 90% left $28
3. Omega One Cichlid Flakes (62g) NEW unopened $12
4. Omega One Super Kelp Flakes (62g) NEW unopened $15
5. Omega One Shrimp Pellets (127g) 95% left $8
6. Omega One Veggie Rounds (118g) 90% left $10
7. Orca Hi-Protein X-small Pellets - Great for baby & miniature fish (200g) NEW unopened $8
8. Aquasonic Rift Lake Water Conditioner (1kg) 80% left $8

OR....Take the Lot for $100

*Please PM if interested, located at Hurstville area (Sydney) and pick up only.*



All of my beloved cichlids LOVE these pellets, none of the fish refused to eat it, great food for cichlid frys.