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View Full Version : Cleaning filter versus tank cycling

shrimp paste
Mon Mar 21, 2005, 11:39 PM
I have a wet \ dry filter built in to the hood of my tank. There are three independant containers housing filter pads, noodles etc. A spray bar runs over the three containers bringing the water in and then runs back in to the tank at the last container.

The containers can be easily and individually removed, filter media and all for cleaning. Normally i will keep some old tank water in a bucket and squeeze \ rinse the filter pads then place the container with clean filter pads back in to the hood.

I am not overly happy with the squeeze rinse clean in a bucket, and would prefer to give it a blast with some tap water to really clean the pads and noodles.

This will obviously have an impact on my de-nitrifying bacteria (probably kill them all in that container).

So my question is, with a fully cycled tank, how long would it take for the bacteria to re-establish itself in the cleaned container? Would it need to go through the normal 3-6 week period before being fully active again, or would the bacteria re-establish faster given the remaining 2 containers and tank are already cycled.

I am trying to work out a schedule whereby i am cleaning all three containers over time without having an impact on the tank cycle.

Thanks for you advise.

Tue Mar 22, 2005, 09:58 AM
I've got Jebo tanks with the same filtration set up in the hood. It's going to depend on the size of the tank, and the number of fish you have in there. Are you running gravel, or bare bottom.

I know it's tempting to give the contents of the container a really good scrub and clean, but you will be pushing your tank into a mini cycle each time you do it. The number of active bacteria is controlled by the available food (i.e. fish waste) in the tank. If you remove a third of that bacteria, it's going take time for the population to increase again to control the amount of waste.

I use two layers of filter floss on the top of each basket, right over the noodles and carbon etc. I remove one layer in each basket, each week. Give it a good wash in old aquarium water, and return it to the filter. It keeps the noodles and other media fairly clean, and can be replaced when needed. Might be worth a try.