View Full Version : 4 discus need new home FS Sydney Darlinghurst

Fri Jul 22, 2011, 03:25 AM
Hi I have 4 discus. 2 turqoise males 15cm approx and female red melon 12cm and an orange melon about the same size. Two keep breeding and hatch but the fry get eaten by other fish all the time. They have done this about 10 times. I am not interested in breeding and i want to convert my tank for other fish now as i don't have as much time to spare. $250 for the 4 fish would do me.

Also have 5 peppermints and a couple of cory's too.

Text me 0411 485 969 if very interested and i will only sell to someone that will take great care of them. :) Please text and i will call you back.

Fri Jul 22, 2011, 06:30 AM
i am interested in your turquoise males
how much do you want for them?
i am coming to Sydney 2morrow
might swing around 2 your area

Mon Jul 25, 2011, 12:21 AM
fish have been sold...