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View Full Version : Red turq keeps getting bloated

Fri Jul 08, 2011, 01:29 AM
Hi all

Last week, this red turq of mine got bloated and was floating around the surface on its side, so I moved it to a quarantine tank to do epsom salt treatment (with some metro as well). He recovered fine after a couple of hours and was eating again in the afternoon. I left him there for a couple of days.

After I moved him back to the big tank, he always appeared a bit dark, but still eating fine. Now this morning, he's bloated again and not looking well at all ... so he's back into the quarantine tank

Has the fish likely got infected with worms or internal bacterial infections ? I have 3 other discuses in the big tank and they all are fine

Any opinion to treat this guy will be highly appreciated

Thank you

Mr Wild
Fri Jul 08, 2011, 08:59 AM
As epsom cleared him before I would retreat but it is interesting to see you added metro.

Does he have any discharge? What colour is his poop?

A 10 day course of metro would not hurt but it would be better to know if he needs the treatment first.

Fri Jul 08, 2011, 09:23 AM
id try the epson salts again to bring down the bloat, if its a recuring problem metro isnt a bad idea, could be early dropsy

Fri Jul 08, 2011, 10:46 AM
What are you feeding ?

Sat Jul 09, 2011, 07:28 AM
on the first occassion, epsom salt cleared his bloat and his poop was a huge bundle of dark solid poop. I could see it as it landed on top of the power head

it's a bit hard to see in the big tank as it's a planted one

i feed him NLS discus and beefheart (dinner plate or something), and a bit of hikari pellets too sometimes

how long can i keep him in epsom salt before water change

Mr Wild
Sat Jul 09, 2011, 08:18 AM
Epsom salt should have worked in the first couple of hours if it was going to. I would stop beefheart atm. What dosage of epsom did you use?

Sat Jul 09, 2011, 08:27 AM
Is it a beefheart mix?? Is there any veggies in this ?

Sat Jul 09, 2011, 08:50 PM
yep the epsom treatment always worked, but i suspect there might be something else happening, as he appears quite dark now. I'm not sure whether its due to stress as he's being alone in the quarantine tank.

I usually put 1-2 tablespoon per 40 litre of water, maybe even a bit more with the first treatment.

lpiasente - its the frozen beefheart mix from lfs, Fish Dinner by Fish Fuel Co.

i'm thinking of starting a proper, complete metro treatment. I have the tablet version, its 400mg / tablet, so is it still 250mg / 10 litre ??

Sat Jul 09, 2011, 11:31 PM
Discus dinner contains carrot and green leaf it's a really good food for an off the shelf product. The darkening color is a bit worrying if you use metro the correct dose is 250mg/10L

Sun Jul 10, 2011, 01:50 AM
Well that rules that out.