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View Full Version : How long till eggs hatch

Sun Mar 20, 2005, 10:03 AM
My discus have spawned plenty of times over the couple of years but never hatched ussually eat them.
But last night something wierd was going on the female was laying on her side in front of the spawn the male was darting around the tank looking very proud.
The darkend up aswell.
I thought the eggs were going to hatch soon, they still havent.
Im not to bothered though,
How long does it take for eggs to hatch.
These eggs were laid on thursday night,
The parents are still guarding them.
cant see any black dots in the eggs,but I cant really make out because there behinde a leaf.
Has anyone ever seen them act like this............ :arrow:

Sun Mar 20, 2005, 01:15 PM
Eggs take around three days to hatch, and the fry will hang there for another two days (approx) absorbing their yolk sac, before they are free swimming. Hope you see progress soon.

Are the eggs still orange or have they all turned white. White eggs are not fertile.

Mon Mar 28, 2005, 09:41 PM
Hi chris,
The eggs hatch depend upon the water temperature, it takes from 48 to 72 hours. The best range for tank water temperature is between 27 to 28C and usually takes about 3 days.