View Full Version : Not eating & spreading

Fri May 13, 2011, 11:45 PM
Hi again

I have a lot more discus since last time in my 6x2x2 thanks to boxter..
6-7cm 4x red snake skins - 4x red spotted greens
9cm 4x red covers
12cm 1x red 1x blue tuq.

It all started with one red cover and 1 red skin since day dot. They would hide and only pick at there food spitting it back out rather than eating it and this would only be with bloodworm's, wont look twice at anything else.

Now it seems to have spread. I have another 2 hiding and alot more eating and spitting.

I cant see any white poos but saying that I don't have a bare bottom tank. I have not seen any sick ones poo but the eating ones have dark poo

6.5ph ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5
Water changes 2x 50% a week. temp 30c
6bristlenose and 10 tetras

Mr Wild
Sat May 14, 2011, 12:40 AM
Just out of interest have you wormed any of your fish? If not I would try that first it is not a harsh treatment and I worm my fish as we do children and dogs etc - it happens.

Your water routine sounds fine from your results, how long have they all been together? Could it be a pecking order thing? Bit hard to add more until I know more.

So worm first, continue wc and wait and see. Levamisole thread on DF just do a search and read and learn as you go.

Sat May 14, 2011, 02:48 AM
I'll try that first.. As you said will not hurt.. Been about 2weeks from QT tank they started this

Sun May 15, 2011, 07:27 AM
i would cut back the water changes. Your fish are young. Changing to much water will damage them. Up the temp in your tank to 31 degrees. This will increase their metabolism. Bare in mind when discus are moved from one tank to another it is very common for them to stop eating for upto 2 months. They will eat when they want to.

Sun May 15, 2011, 08:41 PM
Well they seem to be all eating again after treatment and raising tank to 31. So not sure which it was but thanks for the help yet again.

Tue May 17, 2011, 12:03 PM
Ok I was quick to jump the gun... It seems everyone is eating expect the red cover which has not eaten in a long time (the snake skin eating but not staving like the others)... I know you said two months just he is so nice I don't want to lose him (one in the avatar)

So as you can see he still has nice form, only problem I can see is he is like pulsating he's gills.. Its not like the other discus I have, he sort of flicks them out quickly like a pulsating motion with a pause between. Maybe I'm just seeing things.

Mr Wild
Tue May 17, 2011, 02:01 PM
IS he trying to scratch against anything? Any other symptoms? Could he have anything stuck in the gill pebble or something? Always look for simple things first before treatments just sometimes it pays off. HTH