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View Full Version : Submersible water pump

Mon Mar 14, 2005, 09:34 AM
Hi all :lol: I want to set up a drum in my laundry to age my water in. I want to put a submersible pump in it to pump the water to my tanks which are at least 10 metres away. I've looked on the age of aquariums website and theres so many to choose from with different amounts that they pump per hour. Does anyone know what size I would need to do the job as carrying buckets has put my back out :x Thanks guys :lol:


Mon Mar 14, 2005, 10:40 AM
its all gonnna depend on your budget

i have found that davey suppy a excellent submersible small partical pump with a automatic level in it

turns itself of when empty :wink:

might be a bit much for you though

most pumps are going to do the job, its the speed, the head and nosie that will only be effected by cost.

i would go for a cheap one to start, 1,000 to 2,000 lt per hour. should be more than fine :wink:

Mon Mar 14, 2005, 10:49 AM
Thanks Ryan. Yeah just a cheep one will do for me now I dont want nothing fancy all I want to do is go and turn the pump on to pump the water to my tank and when full turn it off anythings better then carrying buckets. Do I need a small filter for the aged water drum or will a airstone do :?:


Mon Mar 14, 2005, 11:01 AM
just an airstone, and a heater for the colder months of course

i was thinking about building a solar powered heater soon but thats for another post lol

Tue Mar 15, 2005, 01:09 AM
Solar powered heaters thats very interesting Ryan look forward to seeing that post but anyway I went down my lfs today and got a 4600 lph 120w pump for $35 absolute bargain he gave me a small discount as I'm a regular. If that doesnt do the job I dont know what will all I need is the drum now :? :lol: :lol:


Tue Mar 15, 2005, 01:13 AM
If you lived up here i would supply you with a free one :wink:

Tue Mar 15, 2005, 01:28 AM
gee thanks we do actually talk about doing that all the time my other half is always nagging me to move up there. :? And I must say love your name I named my 2 yr old Ryan and also when I seen you have changed what you've written under your name again I just about fell off my chair in fits of laughter :lol: :lol: :lol:


Tue Mar 15, 2005, 01:49 AM

thats a little joke proteus is playing on me

i think the joke is backfiring because he has only staed honest facts so far

next should say "Forum God" LOL

Tue Mar 15, 2005, 03:00 AM
hi leanne,
i am thinking about setting up 1 of these. i used to hav allot of tanks around the house and i was getting tired of doing water changes all my weekend. i have a 2000 l pump so i connected my siphoning hose up to it and pumped the water out. w/c became much quicker :D . u might want to do that with your setup to make things go smoother.
ryan do u work at an aquarium store? (u said you could give leanne a pump 4 free? or do u have 1 lying around?) if you do work at an aquarium could you tell me where and i might drop in. :D


Tue Mar 15, 2005, 03:11 AM
Hi David its not the pumping out thats a hassle as I have a planted tank with gravel and need to siphon, its just the carrying of buckets as I change up to 100 ltrs every couple of days along with having to do that and carry around my 2yr old stuffed my back so one had to go :? :lol:


Tue Mar 15, 2005, 11:27 AM
sorry david no pumps, idid have a couple of drums here till today

gave them to a mate after visting Rod @ Lewis discus

he needed a storage drum too :wink:

maybe the next one i get?

Sat Mar 19, 2005, 08:06 AM
Hi all finally bought my 200 ltr drum today just wondering what can u clean it out with it had pickle juice in it :shock: . Ive heard to use white King but will a small amount of domestos do or is that too strong. thanks guys :lol:


Sat Mar 19, 2005, 08:43 AM
Both white king and domestos have detergent in them, so don't put them any where near your plastic drum. What you need is good old plain 'home brand' bleach. Nothing fancy.

Give the drum a good slosh of undiluted bleach and leave it in there for two hours. Rinse carefully and leave in the sun for 24 hours or untill there is no smell of bleach left at all.

Sat Mar 19, 2005, 08:47 AM
Thanks Merilyn :lol: :lol:


Sat Mar 19, 2005, 09:14 AM
if possible could some one put on some picks of the drums they use for aging water? and where 2 obtain them? thanx

Sat Mar 19, 2005, 09:36 AM
Hi david I'll post a pick tomorrow as its out the back and its dark. You can get them from hydroponic shops or I got mine from a place in adelaide called paramount browns a second hand sort of like junk yard it cost me $20. May be ryan or someone from up there can tell you where you can get one from. :lol:


Sat Mar 19, 2005, 12:15 PM
It depends on your budget. I suggest that you buy a powerful one like 5000L per hour if you have a really big tank, to save time in changing water

Sat Mar 19, 2005, 12:21 PM
I have 4 220 litre drums that i use for water changes, one is 2 metres high so i let gravity work by filling the tanks, its very slow but does the job.
i will post some pics as soon as i can borrow a camera.

as far as cleaning, do as ladyred says, i bought no name brand bleach (must be unsented) for 1.40 a large bottle and gave them a good srumb!

there still seems to be a slight pickle smell but i can not seem to get rid of it!
but all my fish are doing well.

Sun Mar 20, 2005, 02:39 AM
To all the QLD guys and gals go to


for your drum needs

Sun Mar 20, 2005, 02:52 AM
hi ryan the link doesnt wirk could you repost it. and where r these guys situated? thanx

Sun Mar 20, 2005, 07:06 AM
www.drumpak.com , Andy is located in Brisbane.
