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View Full Version : Picky Angel Fish

Thu Jan 20, 2011, 11:22 AM
Hey Guys,

Looking for some help, just picked up a breeding pair of veil tales and they just dont seem to eat, well not when I'm around at least.

Really active health fish.

Just wanting them to eat, and wondering if anyone has some ideas.



Mr Wild
Fri Jan 21, 2011, 04:07 AM
Try something live, tadpoles or mozzie larvae if you do not have any around the house try FBW and see how they go.

Red Tail Shark
Fri Jan 21, 2011, 10:03 AM
try frozen brine shrimp half a cube will be fine , sometimes they just need time to settle in give them a couple of days before feeding again if they dont eat it . if they dont eat it be sure to remove food after about 30mins

cheers RTS

Thu Apr 21, 2011, 04:52 PM
On accordance and knowledge of my research work Looking for some help, just picked up a breeding pair of veil tales and they just don't seem to eat, well not when I'm around at least.Really active health fish. try frozen brine shrimp half a cube will be fine , sometimes they just need time to settle in give them a couple of days before feeding again if they don't eat it . if they don't eat it be sure to remove food after about 30mins Angelfish are a typical clichéd. The general rule is a variety of high quality fish foods at least a couple times a day. They are voracious feeders and should always act that way unless the aquarium temperature is on the low end of their range. If they don't eat well, suspect that something may not be right.