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View Full Version : 2 Females to 1 Male Discus

Mon Jan 17, 2011, 12:39 PM
Just wondering whether its a common thing for a male discus to have 2 active females on the go at one time.

Yesterday, I had my active pair lay eggs for the fifth time, and then this morning he scared off the other male from another pair I had and then proceeded to court the other female and then spawned with her.

I knew discus could mix and match, but I thought once they had an active partner they generally stuck with them until they were separated.

I'm assuming there must have been a brawl with the females while I was at work, both sets of eggs were eaten.

Mon Jan 17, 2011, 01:11 PM
it happens, its even possible to have just 1 female raise the fry and use the male to breed with the other, difficult but it can be done i had a melon female that would always eat fry so i used the 1 girl to spawn with 2 males and just let the males raise fry on their own.

again difficult but not unheard of.