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View Full Version : Safe size for Baby Fish

Sat Jan 08, 2011, 10:24 AM
Hello all new at keeping fish,i have baby pseudotropheus salousi 4 of them about just over 2cm long, i have about 12 new born as well what is a safe size to put into a community tank,i have all cichlids and 1 large red empress breeding with 2 females.....
Could anyone help me before i put them in, thanks heaps....

Sorry i have put in wrong area..


Tue Jan 11, 2011, 10:35 AM
With all cichlids, if it can fit in their mouth, they will eat it, particularly if you introduce small fish into an already established tank.

If they all grow up together, even tho some grow larger than others, there is less likelihood of the smaller fish being eaten.

I once lost 300 large neons to a group of discus who hunted them down every night. At the end of three weeks I had twelve lovely fat discus, and no neons :(